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USDC Bounties

About 📝📝📝

It is time to recognise individuals who contribute to the success of quantpylib and make it a healthy, robust environment for learning and implementing quantitative trading. We will award users who add (high quality) value to the project (features, documentation, tests, optimizations, bug reports/fixes, tutorials, learning material and everything else) on quantitative trading.

There is no set metric - decisions are completely centralised, biased and discretionarily determined by HangukQuant. The bounties are funded from HangukQuant's Wallet. Users can quality for repeated bounties contingent on contributions. User hangukquant is not eligible for bounty rewards, for he is too powerful.

All bounties will be denominated in USDC or equivalent. Transaction fees are borne by receiver. Unclaimed bounties may be received by reaching out to HangukQuant from 01 Mar 2025 onwards.

Bounty Pool 💰💰💰

200. Come get this 🍞.

Unclaimed 🤑🤑🤑

User/On Amount #Remark
ben9809/github 100 tester/.
edot/discord 100 contributor/.
vehctor/discord 100 contributor/hft
mektigboy/github 100 contributor/woox

Total 🧧🧧🧧

Pool : 200

Unclaimed: 400

Claimed: 0

Total: 600
