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Market Maker

This tutorial shows how to do market making (backtests and live) on different exchanges using quantpylib's gateway connectors, data feeds and order management system.

The sample scripts are placed inside ./scripts folder in the quantpylib repo. This example works with exchanges implementing the quantpylib.gateway.master.Gateway endpoints, such as binance, hyperliquid, bybit paradex and woox.

Let us first consider the data and portfolio states required for a market-making operation. Typically, a market-maker needs to be able to track their portfolio states: order states (pending/open/cancelled/rejected), open positions, account equity/balance and so on.

Of course, tick data feeds are also required. This tick data feed includes but are not limited to orderbook ticks of the market we intend to quote, trade ticks of said market, as well as correlated assets - leader assets (AAPL,BTC) and so on.

In general, a market maker action triggers include but are not limited to internal clock cycles, trade arrival, orderbook delta updates and a number of variable proprietary logic. We may choose to act on these data immediately upon arrival (a on-tick behavior) or store it in some shared state that is later used to compute optimal market quotes. We will explore all of these options.

Live + Simulation Modes

Our message replay architecture allows us to both trade and backtest high-frequency data using a unified codebase for seamless transition from research to production environments.

Let's begin with the following imports - we are going demonstrate using a reference feed for binance/SOLUSDT and quoting on bybit/SOLUSDT. Let us use the following imports.

import os 
import pytz
import asyncio 
import logging 
import argparse 
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint 
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv

import quantpylib.utilities.math as math
import as markets

from quantpylib.hft.oms import OMS
from quantpylib.hft.feed import Feed
from quantpylib.gateway.master import Gateway 
from quantpylib.utilities.general import _time,pdf_snapshot

show = True
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse script mode.")
parser.add_argument('mode', type=lambda arg:int(arg), help="Set script mode.")
args = parser.parse_args()
simulated = False if args.mode == 1 else True
If we run python3 0 we will run it in simulation (backtest) mode, otherwise we will trade in a live market for python3 1.

For binance, we are only using the public data feeds, while we need to perform privileged activity on bybit. So we will need keys for bybit:

config_keys = {
These are our setup and configs:
exc = 'bybit'
tickers = ["SOLUSDT"]
stream_data = {
reference = {

run = None
time = None
replayer = None
print_interval = 120 * 1000 #every 2 mins

if simulated:
    from quantpylib.hft.mocks import Replayer,Latencies
    replayer_configs = {

    run = lambda : asyncio.sleep(1e9)
    time = lambda : _time()

gateway = Gateway(config_keys=config_keys)
We demonstrate with null latencies and fees in our simulation mode. You can also specify in milliseconds the latency for the different message channels, as well as fee tiers for reality modelling.

We will kick off the script like this:

async def main():
    await gateway.init_clients() 
    if simulated:
        oms,feed = await sim_prepare()
        oms = OMS(gateway=gateway,exchanges=[exc],refresh_orders_snapshot=10,refresh_positions_snapshot=10)
        feed = Feed(gateway=gateway)

    await oms.init()
    await hft(replayer,oms,feed)
    await gateway.cleanup_clients()

if __name__ == '__main__':

The gateway is the connector to the relevant exchanges - which is passed into the oms and feed objects. The oms handles order/position tracking, recovery, execution and auxiliary tasks. The feed does tick data subscription, storing, and retrieval. In simulation environments, we would first need to load data from archives into RAM. The code showing data load and formats are explained in detail in our post on obtaining, archiving, and restoring data.

async def sim_prepare():
    l2_data = {exchange:{} for exchange in stream_data}
    trade_data = {exchange:{} for exchange in stream_data}

    for exchange,tickers in stream_data.items():
        # await asyncio.gather(*[
        #     restore_archives(
        #         exc=exchange,
        #         ticker=ticker,
        #         depth=20,
        #         start=start,
        #         end=end,
        #     ) for ticker in tickers
        # ])

        lob_archives = [
            ) for ticker in tickers

        trade_archives = [
            ) for ticker in tickers

        l2_data[exchange] = {ticker:lob_archive for ticker,lob_archive in zip(tickers,lob_archives)}
        trade_data[exchange] = {ticker:trade_archive for ticker,trade_archive in zip(tickers,trade_archives)}

    global replayer, run, time
    replayer = Replayer(
    oms = replayer.get_oms()
    feed = replayer.get_feed()
    run = lambda :
    time = lambda : replayer.time()
    return oms, feed
In the code above - the quantpylib.hft.mocks module MockOMS and MockFeed are used in place of the OMS and Feed objects during simulation. These can be obtained from the Replayer object. Instead of the system time - the replayer time is used for simulations.

We can subscribe to leader tick data feeds, such as BTC trade feeds. For instance, we can use this to compute lead-lag correlations between the quote market and leader market for trade signal. We show how to perform the subscription - but we will not use this in our demonstration. Here the replayer is None in live trading and quantpylib.hft.mocks.Replayer in backtest:

async def hft(replayer,oms,feed):
    #>> subscribe to global tick-data (if any)
    btc_feed = await feed.add_trades_feed(

    await asyncio.gather(*[
        for ticker in tickers
    await run()

    if simulated:
        await sim_report(replayer)
Let's implement quote_markets:
async def trade_handler(msg):
    pass #msg : (ts,price,size,dir)

async def book_handler(lob):
    pass #lob : quantpylib.hft.lob.LOB

async def quote_markets(replayer,oms,feed,ticker):
    live_orders = oms.orders_peek(exc=exc)
    live_positions = oms.positions_peek(exc=exc)

    ref_exc,ref_ticker = reference[ticker]
    reference_trade_id = await feed.add_trades_feed(
        # handler=trade_handler
    reference_trades = feed.get_feed(reference_trade_id)
    reference_l2_id = await feed.add_l2_book_feed(
        # handler=book_handler
    reference_lob = feed.get_feed(reference_l2_id)

    ticker_trade_id = await feed.add_trades_feed(
    ticker_trades = feed.get_feed(ticker_trade_id)
The oms does order tracking and maintains live_orders which is a quantpylib.standards.portfolio.Orders object. Similarly, the oms maintains live_positions which is a quantpylib.standards.portfolio.Positions object. These are achieved via the gateway's underlying socket connections and requests. Note that the oms itself is a separate functionality provided by quantpylib, and is able to do a variety of useful things - such as registering coroutine handlers for order updates, position fills and so on - see examples here. In this section, we will not register any order/position update handlers, and just rely on the live updation of our orders which is intitated by default on oms.init().

Also, we subscribe to the reference market tick data feeds. We can register handlers for a 'on-tick' behavior - the trades receive ts,price,size,dir in the handler and orderbook updates receive quantpylib.hft.lob.LOB object. We are not going to have triggers for orders (you can, if you want) on the reference market tick events. Instead, we are going to use the live data buffers reference_trades (a quantpylib.hft.trades.Trades) object and reference_lob (a quantpylib.hft.lob.LOB) object. These live data buffer classes have in-built methods to compute useful statistics such as get_imbalance, get_vol, get_mid and so on. In our demonstration, we choose action triggers to follow the on tick behaviour of orderbook events on the quote market.

Say, we would like to submit/cancel orders using the following logic (there is no alpha in this quoter):

1. Fix order notional value at 200.
2. Compute volume adjusted mid price (VAMP) with notional value of the sum of last 15 taker trades. The VAMP is computed on the orderbook of the reference market, not quote market.
3. Control inventory by quoting around VAMP with baseline spread of 6 bps, and between 2bps and 6bps depending on holding inventory. Also, be strictly less aggressive than BBA on quote exchange.
4. If the bid and ask level does not exist, submit new orders. If other price level orders exist, cancel.

We make no comment or assertions on the viability of said 'rules'. For specifics on how to pass the parameters to oms methods, refer to documentation and examples. gateway documentation and examples should be helpful. Let's continue with the quote_markets implementation:

async def quote_markets(replayer,oms,feed,ticker):
    ticker_trades = feed.get_feed(ticker_trade_id)
    #...code above

    order_value = 200
    last_print = time()
    async def l2_handler(lob):
        nonlocal last_print
        stamp = time()
        stamp = stamp - (stamp % print_interval)
        if stamp != last_print:
            last_print = stamp

        pos_amount = live_positions.get_ticker_amount(ticker=ticker)
        inventory_notional = float(pos_amount) * lob.get_mid() 
        q = inventory_notional / order_value

        order_bids = live_orders.get_bid_orders(ticker=ticker) 
        order_asks = live_orders.get_ask_orders(ticker=ticker)

        tds = reference_trades.get_sample(n=15)
        notional = 20000 if len(tds) == 0 else np.sum(tds[:,1] * tds[:,2])
        ref_vamp = reference_lob.get_vamp(notional)
        if np.isnan(ref_vamp):

        bid = min(
            ref_vamp - ((6 + np.tanh(q) * 4) * 1e-4) * ref_vamp,
        ask = max(
            ref_vamp + ((6 + np.tanh(-q) * 4) * 1e-4) * ref_vamp,

        bid_price = Decimal(str(oms.rounded_price(exc=exc,ticker=ticker,price=bid)))
        ask_price = Decimal(str(oms.rounded_price(exc=exc,ticker=ticker,price=ask)))

        orders = []
        if not any(bid.price == bid_price for bid in order_bids):
        if not any(ask.price == ask_price for ask in order_asks):
                "amount":order_value/lob.get_mid() * -1,

        cancels = []
        for order in order_bids:
            if order.price != bid_price:
        for order in order_asks:
            if order.price != ask_price:
        if orders:
                await asyncio.gather(*[
                    oms.limit_order(**order) for order in orders
            except e:
        if cancels:
                await asyncio.gather(*[
                    oms.cancel_order(**cancel) for cancel in cancels

    l2_feed = await feed.add_l2_book_feed(
This quote market orderbook feed is subscribed to with the on-tick behaviour of l2_handler. The specified rules are then implemented. On the web-platform of selected exchange (bybit) we can see the quotes submitted (if live):

alt text

Simulation Report (ORS)

If we were in simulation mode, the Replayer object contains very useful metrics and plots for the simulation events. We will demonstrate these - recall that in the hft method in the above section - we called the sim_report method.

We will also demonstrate a new proposal, the Open Research Standard (ORS), quantpylib's push towards replicable, shareable and effortless quantitative research with code. Quantitative research and papers are often extremely challenging to replicate either in part of the academic tendency for citation mining (lying with statistics) or variability in data, assumptions and implementation. The ORS promotes reliable research with the automatic logging of code results, parameters and implementation together with the pdf_snapshot method for report generation.

async def sim_report(replayer):
    folder = './logs/reports'
    exchange_plot = f'{folder}/exchange.png'
    markouts_plot = f'{folder}/markouts.png'
    prices_plot = '{folder}/prices_{ticker}.png'
    counterparty_plot = f'{folder}/counterparty_pnl.png'
    fairprices_plot = f'{folder}/fairprices.png'

    #see plots and reports
    report_data = []

    statistics = replayer.statistics()

    df_exchange = replayer.df_exchange(exc=exc,save=exchange_plot,show=show)

    df_markouts = replayer.df_markouts(save=markouts_plot,show=show)

    for ticker in tickers:
        save = prices_plot.format(folder=folder,ticker=ticker)
        df_prices = replayer.df_prices(

    norm_pnls = replayer.df_counterparty_pnl(exc_tickers=stream_data,save=counterparty_plot,show=show)

        save=f'{folder}/{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}.pdf',

The replayer.statistics() gives us simulation stats:

{'binance': None,
 'bybit': {'#trades': 59,
           '0s Markouts':   0s   -0.000015
                            0s   -0.000015
                            dtype: float64,
           '11s Markouts': -7.368662532822541e-06,
           'Tick Markouts': -1.540771245685202e-05,
           'flip_win_ratio': 0.6,
           'interval_quartiles': ['0s', '0s', '11s'],
           'inventory_flips': 5,
           'max_leverage': 0.04,
           'max_norm_beta': 0.04,
           'maxdd(%)': 0.03,
           'pnl': -0.14,
           'roi': -0.0,
           'sharpe': -7.76,
           'terminal': 9999.86,
           'turnover': 0.39,
           'volume': Decimal('3899.41'),
           'volume/s($)': Decimal('0.65')}}

The replayer.df_exchange() gives us dataframe and plot on exchange performance - the pnl, inventory breakdown (in our case, only one ticker was quoted so net inventory is just one market): alt text We can see that our inventory management was somewhat effective, and our pnl is flat.

The replayer.df_markouts() gives us markouts on the next tick and more than a few minutes out. alt text

The replayer.df_prices() gives us prices overlayed with inventory and fills: alt text

The replayer.df_counterparty_pnl() gives us the normalized (across exchange and time axis) pnl from taking on all of the taker order flow on that exchange market. One might argue that the market maker's role is to aim to achieve a positively biased (or at least non-adverse) sample of this order flow. alt text

Open Research Standard

The code lines in the previous section help to generate an ORS report. It takes the file path to save, the implementation file, as well as report data which takes types of df, img, or dict to render.

    save=f'{folder}/{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}.pdf',
Here is the ORS generated from the above script.


Please refer to the previous section on market making in simulation and live environments to get an appreciation of the replayer class. This would make modelling extremely simple. In fact, we only need to change one function.

For demonstration, we would like to assess the effectiveness of VAMP (volume adjusted mid price) in short term price prediction - as well as compare between different notional values as parameter to the depth of order book pressure relevant in VAMP models.

We begin with the imports:

import os 
import pytz
import asyncio 
import logging 
import argparse 
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint 
from datetime import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from quantpylib.hft.oms import OMS
from quantpylib.hft.feed import Feed
from quantpylib.gateway.master import Gateway 
from quantpylib.utilities.general import _time,pdf_snapshot

show = False
simulated = True

config_keys = {

exc = 'binance'
tickers = ["SOLUSDT"]
stream_data = {

run = None
time = None
replayer = None
print_interval = 120 * 1000

if simulated:
    from quantpylib.hft.mocks import Replayer,Latencies
    replayer_configs = {

    run = lambda : asyncio.sleep(1e9)
    time = lambda : _time()

gateway = Gateway(config_keys=config_keys)
The functions
async def hft(replayer,oms,feed):
async def sim_prepare():
async def main():
remain unchanged from the previous section. Obviously, we are not submitting order actions and backtesting a hft-strategy. Rather, we are doing some quantitative analysis on replayed tick data. We would have to modify the quote_markets function. Again, we can choose to act on trade ticks, orderbook ticks, or clock ticks. We will stay with the orderbook ticks. This is both extremely simple and self-explanatory:
async def quote_markets(replayer,oms,feed,ticker):

    last_print = time()
    async def l2_handler(lob):
        nonlocal last_print
        stamp = time()
        stamp = stamp - (stamp % print_interval)
        if stamp != last_print:
            print(datetime.fromtimestamp(time() / 1000,tz=pytz.utc))
            last_print = stamp

        for vamp in [10,30,50,100,200]:
                value=lob.get_vamp(vamp * 1000),

    l2_feed = await feed.add_l2_book_feed(
It is not difficult to understand this, if the last section has been perused. The additional method is the declare method, which takes in key-value arguments for arbitrary random variable and corresponding realised estimate. The exc, ticker and group are optional labels, and it would come in very handy.

That's it! After the replay is done in the hft coroutine, we would do our analysis in the sim_report implementation:

async def sim_report(replayer):
    folder = './logs/reports'
    fairprices_plot = f'{folder}/fairprices.png'
    regression_plot = f'{folder}/regression.png'
    regression_influence = f'{folder}/regression_influence.png'
    price_plot = f'{folder}/prices.png'

    #see plots and reports
    report_data = []
In our very specific case, the VAMP is actually a fairprice estimator random variable (it is a predictor for future prices). The Replayer class provides utility functions to compare different fairprice estimators sharing the group label:
metrics_df, declarations, error_dfs = replayer.df_fairprices(group='vamp',plot=False)
report_data.append(('fairprice metrics',metrics_df,'df'))
                  Q1(e%)    Q3(e%)  MEDIAN(e%)  MEAN(e%)   MSE(e%)   MAD(e%) MSE* MAD*
T+   Estimator
t0   vamp100k  -0.003743  0.002893   -0.000325 -0.000447  0.000018  0.003568
     vamp10k    0.000000  0.000000    0.000000  0.000001  0.000002  0.000679    *    *
     vamp200k  -0.004440  0.002503   -0.000950 -0.001001  0.000022  0.003854
     vamp30k   -0.001454  0.001460    0.000000 -0.000041  0.000007  0.001949
     vamp50k   -0.002563  0.002393    0.000000 -0.000140  0.000011  0.002774
t1   vamp100k  -0.004179  0.003159   -0.000457 -0.000401  0.000060  0.005186
     vamp10k   -0.000214  0.000000    0.000000  0.000047  0.000059  0.003743         *
     vamp200k  -0.004891  0.002762   -0.001088 -0.000955  0.000062  0.005395
     vamp30k   -0.002253  0.001967    0.000000  0.000005  0.000057  0.004318    *
     vamp50k   -0.003128  0.002764   -0.000100 -0.000094  0.000057  0.004751
t10  vamp100k  -0.024027  0.023172   -0.000856  0.000551  0.001625  0.030386    *    *
     vamp10k   -0.023463  0.023515    0.000000  0.000999  0.001644  0.030497
     vamp200k  -0.024568  0.022738   -0.001454 -0.000003  0.001626  0.030429
     vamp30k   -0.023469  0.023481   -0.000109  0.000957  0.001632  0.030412
The * represents the best estimator for that forward looking interval. We can see that the lowest notional vamp (closest to mid-price) is the best estimator for the next-tick mid price, and that deeper levels of orderbook pressure are favorable for longer-time horizons.

We may also be working with non-fairprice estimators, and want to simply retrieve our declarations (arguments are optional filters)

declarations = replayer.df_declarations(key='vamp100k',exc=exc,ticker='SOLUSDT',group='vamp')
and we get:
                  ts       key       value      exc   ticker group
0      1736470799934  vamp100k  186.327409  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
1      1736470800444  vamp100k  186.341816  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
2      1736470800954  vamp100k  186.297270  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
3      1736470801458  vamp100k  186.264105  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
4      1736470801962  vamp100k  186.252672  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
...              ...       ...         ...      ...      ...   ...
35006  1736488797277  vamp100k  189.794952  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
35007  1736488797865  vamp100k  189.794885  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
35008  1736488798422  vamp100k  189.794705  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
35009  1736488798942  vamp100k  189.794743  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
35010  1736488799447  vamp100k  189.787968  binance  SOLUSDT  vamp
Often the thing we are interested is how the value of these random variables relate to future prices. We can pass to the replayer a dataframe with ts column to get our answer (works with multiple tickers and multiple exchanges):
forward_prices = replayer.augment_forward_prices(declarations)
                  ts       key       value      exc  ...      t30      t60     t120     t300        
0      1736470799934  vamp100k  186.327409  binance  ...  186.435  186.445  186.555  186.865        
1      1736470800444  vamp100k  186.341816  binance  ...  186.435  186.445  186.555  186.865        
2      1736470800954  vamp100k  186.297270  binance  ...  186.435  186.425  186.555  186.865        
3      1736470801458  vamp100k  186.264105  binance  ...  186.435  186.425  186.575  186.865        
4      1736470801962  vamp100k  186.252672  binance  ...  186.355  186.425  186.575  186.865        
...              ...       ...         ...      ...  ...      ...      ...      ...      ...        
34421  1736488497123  vamp100k  189.715000  binance  ...  189.565  189.605  189.555  189.785
34422  1736488497635  vamp100k  189.715000  binance  ...  189.565  189.605  189.555  189.785
34423  1736488498179  vamp100k  189.715000  binance  ...  189.565  189.605  189.565  189.785
34424  1736488498701  vamp100k  189.715000  binance  ...  189.565  189.605  189.565  189.785
34425  1736488499204  vamp100k  189.712113  binance  ...  189.565  189.605  189.565  189.785
With this dataframe, we are free to build any statistical model with the regression variables. Let us perform a least-squares regression for future price changes against the vamp-to-mid ratio. Although we don't have to normalize by price (only a single market and short timeframe is considered) - we shall do so. Using the GeneticRegression:
from quantpylib.simulator.models import GeneticRegression
model = GeneticRegression(
    formula='div(minus(t60,t0),t0) ~ div(minus(value,t0),t0)',
regression = model.ols()
report_data.append(('regression results',{'summary':regression.summary()},'dict'))
gives us strong statistical significance:
                                 OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable:                     b0   R-squared (uncentered):                   0.003
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared (uncentered):              0.003
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                              110.5
Date:                Sun, 19 Jan 2025   Prob (F-statistic):                    8.20e-26
Time:                        16:15:01   Log-Likelihood:                      1.8701e+05
No. Observations:               34426   AIC:                                 -3.740e+05
Df Residuals:                   34425   BIC:                                 -3.740e+05
Df Model:                           1
Covariance Type:            nonrobust
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
b1             1.4135      0.134     10.513      0.000       1.150       1.677
Omnibus:                       80.864   Durbin-Watson:                   0.014
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):               81.384
Skew:                           0.118   Prob(JB):                     2.13e-18
Kurtosis:                       3.036   Cond. No.                         1.00

[1] R² is computed without centering (uncentered) since the model does not contain a constant.
[2] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
For our plots, we would like to do some aggregation for better readability of the plot - we do data binning and save regression and influence plots:
report_data.append(('regression (binned)',regression_plot,'img'))
report_data.append(('regression (binned)',regression_influence,'img'))
which gives plot: alt text and other plots like the influence and residual plots.

In this case, the 'indicator' share the same scale as prices themselves, so we can visualize them on the same axis. For other indicators with difference ranges (e.g. trade imbalance, returns, stochastic oscillator) we can overlay them on the price chart with a twin axis share_index=False :

df_prices = replayer.df_prices(ticker='SOLUSDT',exc=exc,show=show,save=price_plot,key='vamp100k',group='vamp',share_index=True)
Last but not least - we can make a ORS report:
    save=f'{folder}/{"%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S")}.pdf',
shown here.

Happy making, makers.